Should You Buy Before Selling or Sell Before Buying? The Pros and Cons Explained

Deciding whether to buy a new home before selling your current one can be a tough choice. Both options come with their own set of challenges, and it’s important to understand which path aligns best with your financial situation and comfort level. As realtors, we guide clients through this complex decision-making process by helping them weigh the pros and cons of each option and find the approach that best suits their needs.

Buying First: The Pros and Cons


More Time, Less Pressure: Buying before you sell gives you the luxury of time. You can search for your perfect next home without the pressure of needing to move quickly.

Avoid Temporary Housing: By securing a new home first, you won’t have to worry about where you’ll live in between selling your current home and moving into the next one.


Financial Stress: You may face the burden of paying for two mortgages at once, which can be financially overwhelming if your current home doesn’t sell quickly.

Contingency Offers: In a competitive market, sellers might be hesitant to accept an offer contingent on the sale of your existing home, making it harder to close the deal on your new home.

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